
Give Kids a Chance at a Better Future

When a worker is injured on the job, it doesn’t just affect them. It impacts the entire family. We support the kids.

Our Mission

Kids’ Chance of America was established for the purpose of creating, assisting, and supporting Kids’ Chance organizations throughout the United States and other similar programs that provide educational opportunities and scholarships for the children of workers seriously injured or killed on the job.
Doctors, selfie and women friends at hospital smile for photograph together with stethoscope. Happy, healthcare and interracial friendship picture of professional cardiology workers on break.
happy student graduating

About Us

Since its founding in 2015, Kids’ Chance of Florida, Inc. has awarded 85 scholarship totaling over $375,000.

In 2024, over $65,000 were awarded to 14 individual scholarships. The average scholarship was $5,000 per student.

Get Involved

Getting involved is essential to helping Kids’ Chance of Florida succeed. Check out all the great volunteer opportunities below!


Our Events

Events are essential to fundraising for Kids’ Chance of Florida. Through our events, we receive donations and spread the word about our growing organization.

Thank You to Our Corporate Sponsors

Support Our Mission

Your contribution makes a difference. We all get a better
future when our kids get to pursue their educational dreams.